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Saturday 27 December 2014

photoshop tutorials online

photoshop tutorials online


Learn How to Create a Simple Wood Text Effect in Photoshop

In this quick Photoshop tutorial we’ll learn how to create a quick wood text effect in Photoshop. We are going to change only the blending option on our text. You can use the same technique for other textures. Keep in mind that you have to change the values for different image resolutions and textures. Scroll down to download the Photoshop action for this tutorial.

Tutorial Details and Resources

Difficulty: Beginner
Apps: Adobe Photoshop (CS6 or later)
Estimated Completion Time: 10-15′ Minutes
Resources: Wood Texture by SophieG*

Step 1 > Open the Image

First open the texture you want in Photoshop. For this tutorial, my image resolution is at 1024 x 683 pixels.


Step 2 > Text

Write anything you want over the texture. Just pick the Text Tool (T) on your toolbox. I used a Cooper Black font with 55pt font size. You can use any font you like but for wood textures a bold rounded font is recommended. Also the color of your text is not important.


Step 3 > Blending Options

The final step is to change the blending option of the text. If your image resolution is different then you have to experiment with higher or lower values to achieve exactly the same effect. To change the blending options go to Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use the settings below:

1) Change Fill Opacity to 0%

2) Bevel & Emboss

3) Contour: Cove – Deep Element

4) Texture: Metal Landscape Pattern

5) Inner Shadow
wood-texture-text-effect---Inner-shadow 6

6) Inner Glow

7) Color Overlay

8) Gradient Overlay

9) Pattern Overlay

10) Outer Glow


Bevel & Emboss Shading is the most important part. You can change the overall look by changing the highlight and shadow settings. The best about this technique is that you can save it in a Photoshop Action. Here you can download the action and check the settings more carefully.

Download Wood Texture Photoshop Action:

Download Action



Learn How to Create Light Rays in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial we’ll learn to create realistic light rays. This simple technique is great for bright images with light sources. No special Photoshop skills required to create your own cool rays and this tutorial will let you create rays in five minutes.

Tutorial Details and Resources

Difficulty: Beginner
Apps: Adobe Photoshop (CS or later)
Estimated Completion Time: 5-10′ Minutes
Resources: Green Lake

Step 1 > Rays

Let’s go straight to the point and create a new layer. Pick the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) on your toolbox and create a quick selection in the area where you want to add rays of light. Next, fill the selection with black color and press (Ctrl + D) to deselect.

create light rays in photoshop - step 1

Step 2 > Difference Clouds & Threshold

With the black shape layer active go to Filter > Render > Difference Clouds (image a). Next, go to Image > Adjustments > Threshold and press OK with the default values (image b).



Step 3 > Radia Blur

Go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur and add change the settings like the image below:

Amount: 80, Blur Method: Zoom, Quality: Good. Make the Blur Center follow the light rays angle and press OK.
create-rays-of-light-in-photoshop-step 3

create-rays-of-light-in-photoshop-step 3b

Step 4 > Blending Mode & Opacity

Change the Blending Mode to Soft Light and lower the opacity between 50% to 70% depends on your taste.

create-rays-of-light-in-photoshop-step 4

rain effect in photoshop - photoshop tutorial

Create a simple rain effect in Photoshop

In this quick tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a simple rain effect in Photoshop. For good results make sure your image is good for this effect. Use dark photos with clouds and water. To make the effect more realistic we are going to add a layer mask and change the intensity of rain in some areas.

Tutorial Details and Resources

Difficulty: Beginner
Apps Used: Adobe Photoshop (CS5 or later)
Estimated Completion Time: 5-10′ Minutes
Resources: Girl with umbrella by Angelo

Step 1 > Open the Image

Othen the image you want to edit in Photoshop. I used my example at 1600x 1067px resolution.

add realistic rain effect in photoshop step 1

Step 2 > Highlight

We are going to create a highlight before we add the rain drops. Create a new layer and pick the Brush Tool (B) in your toolbox. Set brush size to 250px, hardness to 0 and #dfdfdf as color. Paint around the girl like the (image a). Next, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and add 86 pixels Radius. Press OK to confirm and return back. Set the blending mode to Overlay.

a) Pick a soft grey brush and paint around the girl.
rain drop effect in photoshop step 2

a) Add Gaussian Blur with 86 pixel Radius and set blending mode to Overlay.
rain drop effect in photoshop step 2b

Step 3 > Rain Drops

To create the rain drops firs create a new layer and rename it “Rain Drops”. Fill the new layer with black color (#000000) using the Paint Bucket Tool (G). Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and change the Amount to 70%, Distribution to Gaussian and check the Monochromatic box. Next, go to Image > Adjustment > Levels to add some contrast. Set Midpoints to 0,32 and Shadows to 22 like the image b.

a) Add noise with 70% Amount.
rain drop effect in photoshop step 3a

b) Add contrast with Levels.
add rain drop effect in photoshop step 3b

Step 4 > Motion Blur

Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and change the Distance to 14 pixels. Set the Angle to -62 and press OK. Change the blending mode to Screen and lower the opacity to 95%.

add rain effect in photoshop step 4a

Step 5 > Intensity

After the motion blur the rain intensity look the same around the image. To make the effect more realistic we need to lower the intensity in bright areas. First, go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All to add a layer mast. Pick the Brush Tool (B) with 200-250px size, 30% opacity and black color. With the layer mask active paint over the bright areas to make them less intense.

a) Add layer mask and paint over the bright areas with black brush.
rain effect in photoshop step 5a

b) The intensity is not the same anymore.
rain effect in photoshop step 5b

Step 6 > Contrast

To add some contrast and make the image more appealing add a new Curves Adjustment layer (image a). With the RGB channel active change the line similar to (image b).

add rain effect in photoshop step 7a
rain effect in photoshop step 6b


Disable the layers to see the difference after every step. Experiment with the angle of motion blur and rain intensity in bright areas. Every image is different so you have to use different settings.

rain effect in photoshop - preview replace-the-sky-in-photoshop---featured

Learn How to Replace the Sky in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial we’ll learn how to replace the sky in Photoshop. When we capture photos, usually something is not looking good inside the picture. Very often the sky is underexposed or overexposed. Sometimes it may be dull or boring. With this easy technique you can replace any sky in minutes.

Tutorial Details and Resources

Difficulty: Beginner
Apps: Adobe Photoshop (CS or later)
Estimated Completion Time: 5-10′ Minutes
Resources: City Hall by William –  Sky by zaphad1

Step 1 > Quick Selection

Pick the Magic Wand Tool (M) with 20 Tolerance and make a selection of the sky you want to replace. You can use your favorite selection method but Magic Wand Tool is quick and easy for images like this.


Step 2 > Copy the Sky

Open the new sky image in new Photoshop document and quickly select the sky. Go to Edit > Copy or press (Ctrl + C) on your keyboard to copy the sky.

replace the sky in photoshop - step 2

Step 3 > Replace the Sky

With the City Hall image active go to Edit > Paste Special > Paste Info to replace the sky. Scale the new sky if needed.


Step 3 > Brightness

If the new sky is darker from the original go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast and increase the brightness until you like the result. Repeat the same technique if the sky have different color toning but this time change color balance or hue/saturation. For this image i increased only the brightness by 50.


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