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Sunday 3 August 2014

step by step process to become coder

Here is the tips on How to become coder.step by step process to become programmer.

1. Make a Simple Website

If you’ve been learning HTML and CSS, why not use your skills to make a real website? Designing and building your own simple website is an easy project if you want to start small. Here are some ideas:
  • a personal website
  • a portfolio website
  • a site for your business or someone else’s
  • a photo gallery
  • a home page with all your favorite links
  • a mobile-responsive website.

2. Make a Web Application

For something more challenging than a static website, you can design and build an interactive one-page web app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Some ideas:
  • a game or quiz
  • a color picker
  • a timer
  • a checklist
  • a word counter
  • a calculator.

3. Make a Social Networking Site

The next step up from a one-page web app is a full-blown, database-driven web application, such as a social networking site. If you’ve been learning PHP or Ruby on Rails, this is the perfect project for you.
A social networking site will typically require a database to hold profiles, a script to generate profile pages, and capacity for user interaction. It’s a challenging project, but that’s part of the fun!
If you use Treehouse, you’ll learn how to make a simple version of Facebook, called Treebook, using Ruby on Rails. The book Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS also shows you how to make a social networking site with PHP.

4. Make an E-Commerce Store

An e-commerce store is another kind of web application you can make. Like a social networking site, it’s perfect if you’ve been learning PHP or Ruby on Rails.
The elements you need for an e-commerce store are similar to that of a social networking site – a database to hold product profiles, a script to generate product pages, and of course a shopping cart feature.
If you use Treehouse, you’ll learn how to make a simple e-commerce store called Shirts 4 Mike.

5. Make a Blog or CMS

Yet another kind of web application you can make is a blog. And not a WordPress or Blogger blog, either. We’re talking about building your own blogging software.
A content management system (CMS) is like a blog, but designed for permanent web pages rather than journal-like posts.
Either way, you’ll be able to write the code in PHP or Ruby on Rails. You’ll need to build a database to hold content, a script to generate your pages, and an interface for a user to add new content.

6. Make an iPhone, iPad or Android App

If you’ve been learning about developing mobile apps for platforms like Android and iOS, perhaps it’s time to make your first app. As for the coding languages – for iOS you’ll need Objective-C, and for Android you’ll need Java.
If you use Treehouse, you’ll learn how to make various mobile apps for both Android and iPhone – such as a ‘crystal ball’ app and a blog reader app. That’s plenty to keep you occupied for a while!
Be aware that to develop an iPhone or iPad app, you’ll need a Mac.

7. Get Involved with Open Source Software

Open source software is software where the source code is available to be read, distributed and modified by anyone. If you like collaborating, you might want to consider contributing to an open source project.
Not only does open source give you insight into real-world coding projects, it’s also a good way to meet, collaborate with and learn from other coders.
Many coders will encourage you to get involved with open source If you are serious about developing your coding skills. A good place to start is GitHub.


An iPhone menu
An iPhone form
Wikistar - An advanced
text editor
NetAssist - A network analyzing app
A form prototype
A color chooser dialog
Java Eyes - Xeyes, in Java
Mac Automator apps and workflows
As you can see, we've designed and developed much more than just websites -- we've created all sort of software applications, and this is just a small subset of what we've created. (For even more applications, see our free software applications list on our website.)

Software Requirements, Analysis, and Design

Creating software is about much more than just sitting down and writing code. It's about working with customers to deliver the system they want through a process of gathering system requirements and designing a complete software system to meet their needs. We've written hundreds -- probably thousands -- of pages of software design specifications.
Here are just a few images that demonstrate our experience in the field of software requirements, analysis, and design, formally known as Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) and Object-Oriented Design (OOD).
A sample network diagram
A sample network diagram
from an application we designed
Network security diagram

A simple firewall diagram for one
of our clients
Application data objects
A list of objects and relationships
for a client application
Project acronyms
A list of acronyms used in one
of our projects
Sample web form
A sample web form from an
application prototype
Prototype #2
Another web form prototype
for a client application
We can work with Unified Modeling Language (UML) approaches to software documentation as well as more "agile" methods, such as writing "user stories".


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