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Thursday 1 January 2015

HOW TO: Use Multiple WordPress Themes on same site

2 wordpress in 1 domain

One of the most common questions we get asked, is “How do I use your WordPress Themes with the WordPress Theme I already have installed?”
There is actually a very easy method of doing this and it is crucial to successfully using WordPress themes to market your business online.

To install multiple themes, you need multiple installations of WordPress. Our recommendation is to install WordPress and the theme of your choice on sub-directories.

For example, let’s say that you already have a blog,, and you want to have a squeeze page that you can send traffic to and you want the squeeze page URL to be connected to All you need to do is install WordPress and Squeeze Theme on the sub-directory (
If you want a sales page, you could also install a sales page on another subdirectory as well, like
You can repeat this process as many times as your web host allows.

 Just install one wordpress app in your root directory and create the other directory and install it there, there should be no problem.
public html>> (first folder) blog1 ,(make second folder)blog2

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